Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog 8 Tanner Federspill



I really enjoyed the group who did their presentation on Europe. I've tried to pay attention to what is going on with the Syrian refugee crisis and I thought they did a good job addressing what is going on. They also gave me different understandings of why their countries may or may not be taking in Syrian refugees and what could be good options for these refugees to do. It's a hard question to answer whether outside countries have a moral obligation to help the refugees especially since the European countries are their neighbors yet the attacks in Paris, France has turned some people away from helping them. I'm curious as to see how this problem is handled in the coming weeks, I do not know the answer to what should be done with them but I hope that this can be resolved soon so the problem doesn't get worse.
Through these blogs and studying my country and region around it I've learned that there is a lot different world out there than what I'm accustomed to growing up in the good ol' Midwest my entire life. I've always known of problems in Africa but not that they ran these deep. I also found it extremely interesting how each country is connected to one another in some way, and they each can affect each other in extreme ways without intending. Overall it was a great experience and I'm glad I took the class, it was one I looked forward to going to and now I try to stay informed about what is happening across the globe. 

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