Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog 6 Tanner Federspill

Human Trafficking



Human trafficking and sex slavery is a large issue in Somalia today. In previous blogs I've explained the multiple militia and jihadist groups fighting for control of Somalia including the group claiming to be the federal government of Somalia. I use the word "claiming" because to me they seem to be breaking the same basic laws as the other extremist groups fighting for the land. Government officials have been caught numerous times having women brought up to their rooms for sexual acts. Not only that but they have been pointed out by many women in the area as people who have raped them, including the secrete service. This is especially corrupt because these are the people who are supposed to be protecting the civilians rights and they are taking advantage of them because they know there is no one to prosecute them.
The other militias fighting for Somalia's land doesn't attempt to keep their wrongdoings as secretive as the so called federal government of Somalia. It is well known that the areas that these groups control they take advantage of the women within their borders. It is actually one of the ways that these groups make a profit to supply their armies. They take over villages, kill all that oppose, enlist the children into their ranks, and rape the women. After that they will take the women and sell them into sex slavery, smuggling out of the country and treating them as if a product for them to sell to the highest bidder.
Human trafficking in Somalia is one of the things that the UN has continued to address in Somalia but because the ones who are supposed to be enforcing the law are the ones breaking it, there is no real progress being made. I believe that in order to address the human trafficking and young boys and girls getting sold into sex slavery there needs to be a legitimate group in power protecting these people who seem helpless right now.

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