Sunday, November 1, 2015

Somalia Blog #5

Blog Entry #5
Tanner Federspill
Peace Studies

Somalia as a country faces many challenges, a civil war, and a nonexistent economy but I believe on thing is holding the country back, it's lack of a government. With no central authority there is no base for a country to build itself on. Civilians are caught is the crossfire of ruthless warlords who slaughter villages of helpless people. The country is incapable of protecting their own people. Even the group claiming to be the Somalian government is riddled with corruption. The government has been found to be enlisting children in their ranks and having them fight against the war lords. I understand that they're in a very desperate situation but small children should not be forced into armed conflicts. Government officials have also been caught having sex slaves and involved in prostitution rings. There seems to be no such thing as basic human rights in Somalia and there is little sign that they're going to improve.
Picture of a city effected by war
No central authority makes it impossible for an economy develop. There is no one to regulate trade with other countries or control the flow of money. People have to resort to trading objects and stealing their most basic necessities to survive. The little economy that the country does have is in sweatshops and fishing. Countries aren't even willing to trade with Somalia anytime soon due to the pirates that patrol the cost and hijack ships.
Small children try to salvage drinkable water
The entire region is plagued faces challenges from poor economies and warring states. It's even hard for the United Nations to send help because it is so dangerous in the area. The UN has set up programs to just try and get the people in the region basic necessities like clean drinking water. There are a large number of problems in Somalia and there isn't any sign for improvement but the first thing that Somalia must do is find a central authority.

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