Sunday, November 1, 2015

Poverty and Political Corruption in Cameroon

Cameroon is a very culturally-rich and resource-rich nation full of good people and natural beauty. The variety in culture between different ethnic groups and races and their ability to live in peace together make Cameroon a very unique place in the world. The variety in culture and differences in these cultures are immense. Some of these different ethnic groups include the Cameroonian Highlanders, Equatorial Bantus, and the Kirdi. The geographical regions where these groups reside are significantly intertwined. But, the respect and understanding between nations allows all of them, regardless of size or cultural variance, to nearly all prosper without dispute. This is something that is not common in Africa, especially when religion and racial differences are involved. But, even with Cameroon being 40% Christian, 20% Muslim, and 20% Traditional African tribes, there is a lack of dispute and hostility among the greater majority of these groups. ( Cameroon also has access to rich and abundant natural resources like petroleum, oil, and timber that stimulate the economy and play a crucial role in their contribution and involvement in global trade.

With that being said, Cameroon is still currently facing a great deal of political, social, and economic issues. Equality, human rights violations, and political corruption all come into conversation when discussing issues with Cameroon. But, it seems as if the most significant problem being faced by Cameroon in the 21st century is their eye opening poverty levels. Unemployment rates in Cameroon have hovered around 40-50%, which is unheard of in any American, European, or Asian nations. This also means that over 50% of Cameroon's citizens are living below the poverty line. ( These astounding levels of poverty in Cameroon are taking a toll on the living conditions and morale of the vast majority of the people of Cameroon. With this much poverty, the human rights staples of food, water, and shelter, something all humans should naturally be granted, are put in serious jeopardy. Although some are in hunter-gatherer tribes that are self-reliant for food, the over five million people that live in big cities or suburbs struggle to afford food because of this growing problem. The housing issue is in a similar standing; if the majority of the Cameroon population is statistically earning an equivalent of about $1.25 a day, how are people supposed to put food on the table and a roof over their heads?(  It makes prosperity and financial stability nearly impossible.

From the evidence I have gathered on this issue, I think it is fair to say that the blame for the poverty levels and poor living conditions falls in the hands of the overwhelming greed and political corruption present in Cameroon. If these corrupt political sharks stealing from their own people weren't in power and people of morality, common sense, and political competency were in power, I believe these underprivileged people would have a much better chance at a prosperous life.

Cameroon's living conditions and economic standing give them the extremely undesirable title as one of the poorest nations in the world. With unemployment so high and wages so low, it is nearly impossible to be prosperous or successful. And unless action is taken to right the ship of extreme political corruption in this troubled nation, this problem will only continue to progress. This is why poverty and unemployment are the most troubling issues facing the brave, yet troubled nation of Cameroon.


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