Sunday, November 22, 2015

Blog #7 Politics of the Veil - Tanner Federspill

Tanner Federspill

Politics of the Veil

Despite reservations about the headscarf, the political scientist Mossuz-Lavau argues against the law to ban headscarves. What is at the crux of her argument? Is it valid? (162)

A law created to ban practicing Islam's from being able to wear their headscarves is surely a very controversial topic. Those who are against headscarves believe that "Islamists were engaged in a political conspiracy the aim of which was the oppression of women and the elimination of secularism". So they do believe that be banning the Veil they are almost freeing these women from being oppressed. Their idea seems for the best but Mossuz-Lavau believes it is up to the women themselves to make the decision whether they wear the veil or not. I believe she uses education as the crux of her argument. If they decide to ban the veil from schools these women will truly be oppressed. They need to be able to learn about the freedoms that they have because they are humans and be given the opportunity to make the decision for themselves. If these women aren't allowed to go to schools there is no way for them to learn about the world outside their own religion.

Not to mention it is their freedom to choose their religion and to practice what they believe. I do not think it is up to the government to make the decisions for these young women even if they do believe it is better for them. This argument is definitely valid because not only do these girls learn about their options but by interacting with other girls from their schools and with different beliefs they will be able to see things from another perspective. Not to mention that by allowing them to go to school it helps integrate the veil wearing women into the French society rather than ostracize them. In the end I do believe that Mossuz-Lavau is right that education, for both sides, is the only way to resolve the conflict.

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