Sunday, October 11, 2015

Somalia Post 3

Tanner Federspill
Post 3


Human rights are very important in this world, they give all humans the basic rights they deserve in order to live a quality life. Somalia as a whole is not nearly as developed as other countries around the world. They're still fighting a civil war to try and put a stable government in power. Having a basic list of thirty human rights as defined by the United Nations is an attempt to give all humans their inherited rights. The problem with this idea is that the United Nations can't be a world police everywhere, especially dangerous places such as Somalia. Terrorist Islamic militias spread chaos throughout their own country stripping their people of their basic rights.
This map shows the Human Rights Risk Index for 2014
Somalia is rated as Extreme Risk
Al-Shabaab is one of the militias in control of some of the land in the south central part of Somalia. They often hold public executions and target government officials with terrorist attacks. Even in the countries own capital of Mogadishu the Somalian government has problems ensuring security and safety to its people. Somalia is a truly a country in turmoil. Al-Shabaab enforces his power by carrying out public executions of civilians by decapitating them. The terrorist group even went as far as to attack a United Nations convoy near Mogadishu International Airport killing six civilian bystanders. Sexual violence is another large problem plaguing the country. Even government officials and their security guards have been found guilty of sexually abusing civilians. A lot of the rape doesn't get reported because women are afraid they will be attacked or harmed and they've seen how poorly their government handles their complaints.
This is picture of a civilian in Somalia tied to a pole about to be publicly executed.
Al-Shabaab targets young children to recruit for his army through fear and intimidation tactics. The group has been known to attack schools arrange forced marriages amongst children. Although it isn't just the Islamic group getting heat for using child soldiers. Even the government of Somalia has been criticized by the UN for their use in children soldiers in armed conflicts. In 2012 Somalian government officials signed a document stating they will not use child soldiers anymore and will refrain from killing and maiming children, but this complaint seems to fall on deaf ears.
This is a picture of a child soldier wielding an automatic rifle.
Somalia is actually one of the lowest rated countries for freedom of press. It is one of the most dangerous places to be a journalist. A reporter took a picture of a government official after he was injured in a car bomb and the reporter was detained for three days being beaten and harassed. Two of the chairman of the Heatuf Media Network in Somalia were sentenced to three and four years in prison for "libel, false publication, and anti-state propaganda".
Somalia is a country truly in turmoil using children as expendable soldiers, publicly beheading civilians, government officials apart of sexual violence, and very little if any freedom of press. As far as I can tell there is no such thing as human rights in Somalia and it's people are fighting just to live another day.

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