Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ryan Connolly Cameroon

Like many countries in Sub Saharan Africa, Cameroon deals with numerous threats concerning environmental issues and human rights issues on a daily basis. Although Cameroon is a considerably thriving area from an economic standpoint, especially considering its sub par neighbors and counterparts, they still have pressing issues threatening their prosperity. This is included but not limited to deforestation, poaching, and a lack of policing/enforcing environmental laws (  As far as human rights issues are concerned, Cameroon faces problems that many countries similar to them deal with as well. One of the most tragic issues Cameroon citizens have to deal with, which in my opinion is of up most importance regarding human rights, is justice and rights of prisoners and captives. The flaws in the Cameroon justice system has brought forth issues of unfair imprisonment, torture of captives and prisoners, and strong presence of police brutality. The torture of prisoners is so relevant that is has been described in numerous sources as "systematic." This means it is at a new degree of prominence in their criminal justice system. In 2009 alone, over one hundred citizens of Cameroon were killed during peaceful protests and demonstrations. This is a travesty that needs to end. In his piece regarding human rights beyond euro centrism, Farish Noor touches on how the modern world is much more connected than before. (Dealing With Human Rights) The technological advancement of travel, communication, and trade alone have brought countries around the globe much closer. This can lead to countries relying heavily on each other for economic balance and success. Consequentially, this can also lead to fights and disputes between countries. These disputes and cultural differences play a huge role in universal law, especially when discussing human rights.

The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights was a monstrous step in the right direction for the advancement of human rights all across the globe. It is clear, concise, and touches on all aspects of rights that all humans should have without dispute. But, without enforcement, they have been and will continue to be just a declaration. If our Founding Fathers of the United States had no support ad dedication from American citizens, we would still be a colony of Britain. This is a universal concept. If we stand by and just let politicians attempt to promote such a declaration like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is nothing but a long sheet of paper. Inhumane acts of injustice like the torturing and false imprisonment of Cameroon citizens will continue to be a problem until we act on it. (
Climate change and human rights have a bigger overlap than you may think. Human rights deplete as conditions in any given country or state decrease. This is seen in countries like Haiti, where their already impoverished country turned into a disaster zone after a massive earthquake. Climate change can be a strain on society, has a negative effect on living conditions, and can promote negative political actions to some people to provide happiness for the greater good. Although climate change is everywhere, Cameroon is relatively stable as far as that goes.
Human rights is a pressing issue. and although there is some motivation seen around the world to change, there is no sign of improvement in many parts of the world. And unfortunately, Cameroon is no exception to this world renown theme.

"Dealing With Human Rights" (homework reading)

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