Sunday, October 4, 2015


Cameroon is no exception to the environmental destruction occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is a hub for deforestation, over-fishing, poaching, and an abundance of diseases among citizens in Cameroon. In the past decade, Cameroon has shown consistent economic growth, which is a good sign for the country and its economy. But, Cameroon's problems with the environment has been becoming more and more problematic. There is evidence that has pointed to the depletion of Cameroon's fossil fuels due to global warming. This contributes to depopulation in Cameroon as well as issues in our oceans' ecosystem. Farming and Cameroon's agricultural lifestyle as a whole is at great risk due to the quick industrialization that the country is facing as well as rapid depletion of arable land and soil. ( Without Cameroon's strong agriculture, its availability of food and its abundance of exports for trade will suffer greatly.
In 1965, fifty million tons of biomass was present on our Earth. Today, one hundred million tons of biomass are present. This points to the fact that we are rapidly increasing how much biomass we are producing and diminishing into the Earth, which is extremely counterproductive to the longevity of planet Earth,
Even though it is the twentieth century and we are more technologically advanced than we have ever been, there are still many Native American and Indian tribes present throughout the world that still rely on Earth's natural resources to survive. The Inuit tribe in the United States and Canada are no exception to this. Due to extreme climate change,the Inuits are facing hardships such as finding new ways to travel, efficient ways to hunt, and adapting to extinction of animal species/plants,  Not only are Inuit members worried about how to survive daily, but they now have to worry about the health, safety, and longevity of the generations to follow.
Cell phone use and the availability of mobile phones can completely change how a county runs. Cell phones open a great deal of windows to easy and accessible communication at any time and place no matter the distance. Having access to this luxury can stimulate heavy economic growth in any region, and Cameroon is no exception. But, cell phone use in Cameroon has yet to fluctuate due to lack of wealth in the nation. This is because citizens cant afford cell phones, (  Internet use is not accessible throughout the country, and cell phone service is extremely inaccessible.
To conclude, taking action for our environment is of up most importance to implement a plan of action. This could include using minimal electricity, promoting the advancement of cell phone use, and starting advocate groups to help stop deforestation in Cameroon. Cameroon's economic and environmental stability is now in the hands of its citizens as well as the government that is ruling this troubled country.


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